Nov 27, 2011

Enable / Disable Captivate Welcome Screen

Most likely, when you open Captivate, you will see the welcome screen.
Although there is no reason for this to be disabled, there is an option Dont Show Again at the bottom of this window. So those who do not want the welcome screen (do not really really want), can use this option to disable the welcome screen.

Now what if you want to enable it again? Or what if you clicked it by mistake and want it back when you open Captivate? Go to Edit menu and select Preferences (or use the shortcut Shift+F8). Under the Global category (or the Global -> General Settings category), use the Show Welcome Screen option to enable it again.

1 comment:

Mariana said...

In fact, I've never asked myself how to hide that screen, but now that you mentioned it, I'll try to hide it, to see if I like it better!